.new collection
Von Köck Revolutionizes Glamour
Europe's First Eco-Chic Heritage Diamond Collection


written Sarah Arendts


Luxury and opulence often eclipse ethical considerations in the dazzling world of high-end jewelry. However, Austria's premier jeweler Von Köck is breaking the mold.


Charting an uncharted course, they unveil Europe's first heritage/recycled diamond jewelry collection. This is the dawn of a pioneering movement towards sustainable luxury.

VON KÖCK Diamond Jewelry Collection LE MILE Magazine

Von Köck
Europe's First Heritage Diamond Jewelry Collection


The Sahara Collection, unveiled in 2023, marks a paradigm shift in how we perceive and appreciate luxury jewelry. Von Köck, nestled in the heart of Vienna on the prestigious Graben, has long been synonymous with unparalleled craftsmanship and exquisite designs. However, with this collection, they are adding another feather to their cap - that of environmental stewardship.

This groundbreaking collection is a testament to the brand's commitment to safeguarding the earth's finite resources. In a bold move, Von Köck has eschewed the use of newly mined diamonds. Instead, the collection boasts diamonds sourced from old stocks, inheritances, auctions, and second-hand goods. Each gemstone is carefully selected from existing pieces, ensuring that no new environmental footprint is created in their quest for beauty.

These diamonds undergo a meticulous process of reworking, cutting, and re-certification, aligning with the latest standards in Heritage/Recycled Diamond Jewelry. This process not only breathes new life into the stones but also ensures that each piece meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship that Von Köck is renowned for.

Felix von Köck, the visionary at the helm of this second-generation family business, encapsulates the essence of this venture:

"The combination of tradition and innovation, the creation of an atmosphere full of imagination and values ​​in which our work can thrive and grow into new dimensions - that is the world of VON KÖCK."

Von Köck's commitment to excellence is not confined to their jewelry creations. The brand is equally passionate about finding the best quality materials for their high-quality watch brands from Germany and Switzerland. This ethos of pursuing perfection while honoring cultural heritage and responding to consumer demands has been the cornerstone of their success.

VON KÖCK Diamond Jewelry Collection LE MILE Magazine ring

Von Köck continues to innovate, with exciting new additions to the Sahara Collection on the horizon. Their journey is a shining example of how luxury and responsibility can coexist, creating a new standard in the world of fine jewelry.


Von Köck’s initiative is a timely reminder that luxury need not come at the cost of the environment. It is a clarion call to the industry and consumers alike, to redefine luxury in terms of not just aesthetic and quality but also its impact on our planet.


discover www.vonkoeck.com
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