.aesthetic talk
Northern Star
written + interview Juan Marti
Passion can be a dangerous feeling in the heart of the wrong person. Such an emotion makes us do crazy things but also great deeds.
That has been the case with young singer and actor Omar Rudberg: The Swedish-Venezuelan singer and actor was born with the most radiant passion running through his veins and from minute one it was clear to him.
His desire to express himself through music dominated his world and in early childhood he started working hard on his musical technique. Making the audience dance, feel and enjoy with his voice was his light bulb in an adolescence where we all wondered who we wanted to be and where we wanted to go. Omar's talent eliminated any kind of doubt and from the beginning of his solo career, through the years as a member of the boy band FO&O, Omar has shined with his own light. Becoming one of the most recognized voices and faces in Sweden thanks to starring in the Netflix hit show Young Royals, Omar lives an artistic moment of maturity and reinvention, where he feels free and powerful to unleash his most honest passions. A well-deserved feat, then, for a promising star.
total look VERSACE
necklace SWAROVSKI
“You gotta take risks and throw yourself out there, because if you don’t, you’ll never find out what could’ve happened if you did.”
Omar Rudberg with Juan Marti
first published: LE MILE Magazine, AGE OF CHANGE Nr. 37 Edition, Fall/Winter 2024
team credits
creative fashion director CHIDOZIE OBASI
head of production JESSICA LOVATO
contributing editor LEONARDO MARTINO
video editor ALEXANDRE JOUX
set designer ALESSIA SORESSI
fashion coordinator LEONARDO VANTAGGI
production assistant ANJA MENEGON
total look DSQUARED2
Juan Marti
Omar, it is a pleasure to talk to you. I would like to start talking about changes. This year has been very important for you and I would like to know how you face the new chapters in your life. What feelings do moments of change awaken in you?
Omar Rudberg
This year is one of the most exciting and important years of my career. I really get to release my new music for the international market and it’s very exciting. I don’t know what’s going to happen next—that’s what I love about what I do, even though it’s sometimes scary.
Do you consider yourself someone who is not afraid of risks or are you a more cautious person who prefers to think twice?
That really depends on my mood. Sometimes I wake up and I’ll think multiple times to do things right, and sometimes I don’t. I’ve learned from taking risks and I’ve gained from them. I would never be where I am today if I hadn’t taken the risks I’ve taken in my life.
When it comes to making an important decision, do you prefer to go it alone or do you like to seek advice from someone you trust?
I definitely seek advice from my real ones. I trust the ones that are close to me, and I know they’ll always tell me their honest opinions. Seeking advice is never a bad thing. And sometimes it can even change the way you see things and suddenly, everything is so much more clear.
Musically, 2024 has meant your expansion as a singer to a much wider audience. Have you felt pressure or nerves when facing this new challenge?
I think that I’m my worst enemy when it comes to pressure. I put a lot of pressure on myself sometimes and that has been something that I’ve had to work on.
I like that one of the first singles of this new stage is Bye Bye. It is clear that you are saying goodbye to a stage, but beyond that, what other things are you saying goodbye to with that song?
Actually, the first single of this new era was Red Light. But yeah, I’m basically saying Bye Bye to bad habits, bad relations and bad energy. I feel free and I’m doing what I love and what I want to do and nothing or no one will stop me!
coat JIL SANDER by Lucie and Luke Meier
watch making of film
“I would never be where I am today if I hadn’t taken the risks I’ve taken in my life.”
Omar Rudberg with Juan Marti
first published: LE MILE Magazine, AGE OF CHANGE Nr. 37 Edition, Fall/Winter 2024
total look DIESEL
earrings LAG WORLD
necklace SWAROVSKI
Last February was your first solo concert. You did it in Stockholm in front of thousands and thousands of people. How did you experience that concert? Do you have any special memories?
That day was one of the most amazing days of my life. I felt so much joy, love and energy. I still can’t believe to this day that it all happened. I’m so thankful for every single human being that came to the show. It was an honor to be able to give them a bomb ass show!
Sweden is the country where you grew up but you were born in Venezuela, how do you keep your roots alive with this beautiful country?
My roots are just in me. I’ve always seen myself as a Venezolano. My mom and my family are number one to me. I eat Venezuelan/Latin American food everyday, listen to the music everyday, and I speak my Venezuelan Spanish everyday. I can’t wait to go back and visit my home country. Venezuela Libre. ¡Hasta el final!
As a big fan of crime novels that I am and you being from Stockholm I would like to ask you if you are also a fan of that genre that is so acclaimed in Sweden, any recommendations?
If you like crime tv shows, then I’d see Snabba Cash on Netflix. It’s not a novel but it’s a really good Swedish show.
I have to congratulate you because I really liked your debut in Karusell, I'm a big slasher fan. How did you prepare for the role, are you a fan of horror movies?
Thank you! I do like horror movies. For me it’s a fun experience watching a horror movie with friends or family. Since Karusell only was my second project to film, it was important for me to feel like I was playing a new character far from Simon in Young Royals. Dante is pretty much the opposite of what Simon was so it was kind of easy for me to find who Dante was.
Karusell confronts its protagonists with the pending accounts of what happened in their adolescence, what were you like when you were in high school?
I never went to high school. I was busy touring Scandinavia and the US with my band at the time. In school I was a loud and crazy kid with my friends. But I was also very shy and insecure at times.
This year the Netflix series you starred in, Young Royals, one of their biggest hits came to an end. What lessons have you been able to learn from that incredible experience?
You gotta take risks and throw yourself out there, because if you don’t, you’ll never find out what could’ve happened if you did. I’m glad I did—even if it meant skipping mathematics in high school.
I'm sure the years you spent filming Young Royals were incredible, can you tell me about any moments you hold dear to your heart?
The whole casting process to me is something I’ll always remember. It was a very weird and special time in my life before the casting started. But when Young Royals came into my life it changed me.
I would like to end the interview talking about new beginnings, what can we expect from the new…
You can expect a lot of great new music and live shows!! Because I’m releasing new music very soon and I’m going on tour! Also, 2025 is going to be NEXT level.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen next—that’s what I love about what I do, even though it’s sometimes scary.”
Omar Rudberg with Juan Marti
first published: LE MILE Magazine, AGE OF CHANGE Nr. 37 Edition, Fall/Winter 2024